Understanding the Document Development Life Cycle (DDLC): A Comprehensive Guide

How is a technical document made? How do technical writers start from research to creating a useful document? Are there best practices for the documentation process? Is there a time when a document becomes obsolete? All these questions are related to the Document Development Life Cycle (DDLC), which refers to the process used to create, manage, and maintain documents throughout their lifespan. 

Documents must be developed in a structured way to meet the necessary quality standards and be kept up-to-date and relevant. Following the phases of DDLC is especially important in areas and industries where accurate, consistent, and well-documented information is key, such as in software product development, technical writing, legal documentation, and compliance reporting.

Document development is a series of steps that lead to the next one. The final product is the document itself, which is used, updated, and maintained. When a document becomes irrelevant or obsolete, then a new one must be developed.

Most technical writers use a specific series of steps to gather the information, organize it, and present it in a way that’s useful and practical.

Here’s each stage of the Document Development Life Cycle and an explanation of how it can help you, taking your technical documentation process to the next level.

1. Analysis and Planning

What’s the purpose of the document?

The first phase in the technical documentation development process is the designing phase, during which you plan the features of your document before you even start writing.

This step identifies the purpose of the document by asking some key questions, such as, what information does it need to convey? Who is the intended target audience? What are the goals and objectives of this document? What is the style guide to follow? Is it intended for print or online documentation? Should you include materials such as images or videos in it? How will the typical user use the documentation?

You can’t write a technical document without answering these questions, because they define the content and language you need. 

How far should the document go?

Another part of the planning stage is to determine the scope of the document and how detailed — or not — it should be. Technical writers gather requirements from all stakeholders to confirm that all necessary topics are included.

Sources and resources

While technical writers can often specialize in specific fields and industries and may tap into a specific technical knowledge base, sometimes they have to rely on outside sources and resources. Many turn to subject matter experts (SMEs), authoring tools, and templates to plan their documents and gather the necessary information.

Timeline and deadlines

Part of the planning process is to establish a timeline for the document’s creation, including key milestones and deadlines. This sets the scaffolding upon which the document will be written, on the subject, and on time. 

2. Content Creation

Gather the information

Once you have found the sources, collect the necessary information from interviews with SMEs, research, and existing documentation. During this stage, make sure that the information is accurate, relevant, and includes everything you need for your document.

It’s time for content development

The skill and talent of a technical writer lie in the fact they can categorize the information according to the organizational guidelines or templates for consistency. A good technical writer is focused, accurate, and logical. Information flows from one point to the next in an intuitive way.

The technical writing process can benefit greatly from using various authoring tools like Adobe Frame Maker, MadCap Flare, or RoboHelp rather than simply Microsoft Word. An advanced authoring tool can help organize information, images, and other data for technical writing.

Check with field specialists

Field specialists can tell how helpful a document is. If any information is missing, they will highlight it. If some steps are reversed, they will also mention it.

Part of the content development process is to share and test the draft with stakeholders or SMEs for review. Gather feedback on the content, structure, and language used. This stage may include multiple versions as the document is refined based on the feedback received. There is a lot of back and forth but that’s what makes a technical document efficient.

3. Editing and Refinement

Follow the feedback

It’s time now to use the feedback and make the necessary revisions. Adding sections shouldn’t take away from the document’s clarity or reading fluidity. The document should remain concise and to the point. As always with writing, grammar, spelling, and punctuation matter; it shows poor workmanship to make such mistakes.

Technical and content editing

A good document depends on technical editing for accuracy and correctness and content editing for structure. This phase involves a systematic review process, including proofreading and editing of the documentation for clarity, consistency, technical accuracy, and formatting or typo errors. 

Consistency check

Fonts, styles, and formats should be the same throughout the document. Terminology and tone should be consistent, otherwise the document may feel amateurish and disappoint users.

4. Approval and Finalization

Final approval

Once the document is refined, it is sent for final approval. This may involve obtaining sign-offs from various stakeholders, depending on the organization’s process. Specialists have the know-how and expertise to check a document and confirm that it covers all relevant information.

Formatting and final touches

The finishing touches are always important because polishing any document makes it look professional. Final formatting includes headings, bullet points, tables, figures, and references.


Assign a version number to the document and clearly indicate the document’s status (e.g., draft, final, revision). Changes are bound to be required and version control ensures that all document changes are tracked, allowing for an efficient revisions management system. In case of revisions, it helps to know that everyone is working with the most current version.

5. Publication and Distribution


The document is published in the required format, such as PDF, Word, HTML, or other formats depending on the audience’s needs and how the document will be used.


The document is distributed to the intended audience. This may involve sending it via email, posting it on an internal or external website, or distributing physical copies.

Access control

Some documents are meant for specific audiences. Since only authorized personnel should have access to sensitive documents, appropriate access controls should be implemented.

6. Maintenance and Updates

A document must be regularly updated and maintained because information changes.

Regular reviews

Schedule regular reviews of the document to check it remains current and relevant. This is particularly important for documents that contain information that may change over time, such as technical specifications or policies.

Update information

As new information becomes available or organizational needs change, the document must be updated accordingly. Each update should follow a similar review and approval process as the original document. 

7. Document Retirement

Is the document relevant? If it is outdated or no longer relevant, decide whether it should be updated, replaced, or retired.

When a document is no longer in use or has been replaced by a newer version, archive it instead of deleting it. You may need it for future reference and it’s always useful to see how a document evolved, for future retrieval if necessary.

Retired documents should be removed from active circulation and stored in an archive, with clear records indicating that it is no longer in use. This last step of the document development lifecycle saves confusion and opens up space for a new document.

The Importance of the Document Development Life Cycle

The DDLC and the best practices that come with it ensure that technical documents will always be accurate, consistent, and useful.

A structured approach means that organizations can create high-quality documents that meet the needs of their audience, support decision-making, and comply with relevant standards and regulations.

A well-written DDLC helps prevent errors, reduces redundancy, and makes it easier to manage and update documents over time. A good technical document makes your business better and more efficient. It also simplifies life and facilitates management, thanks to the experience and skills of technical writers. 

If you need help developing a DDLC for your organization, contact us today and find out for yourself why TimelyText is a trusted professional writing service and instructional design consulting partner for Fortune 500 companies worldwide!

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